28 February 2018
- A Communities of Practice event focusing on developing best practice timed pathways for colorectal, lung, prostate and upper GI cancers.
- The Presentations from the event including
- Context Setting, Jenny Scott, Programme Director, Greater Manchester Cancer Vanguard Innovation
- The National Cancer Programme, Professor Chris Harrison, National Clinical Director for Cancer
- Issues and Opportunities in developing timed pathways, Nicola Hunt, Managing Director, RM Partners
- Vanguard work on timed pathways, Professor Kathy Pritchard-Jones, Chief Medical Officer, UCLH Cancer Collaborative
- Best Practice Timed Prostate Pathway, Satish Maddineni, Consultant Urological Surgeon, Salford Royal and The Christie NHS Foundation Trust
- Using MRI in Prostate Pathway, Caroline Moore, Reader in Urology, UCL
- The RAPID Prostate Pathway, Professor Hashim Ahmed, Chair of Urology, Imperial College London