21 April 2021

Configuration of vascular services: a multiple methods research programme

Configuration of vascular services: a multiple methods research programme.
Programme Grants Appl Res 21 April 2021;9(5)
  • Changes in vascular services in England has resulted in the need for reconfiguration of specialist inpatient vascular services to provide adequate specialist provision and accessible and equitable services. This study aimed to identify the effects of service configuration on practice, resource use and outcomes; to model potential changes in configuration; to identify and/or develop electronic data collection tools for collecting patient-reported outcome measures and other clinical information and to evaluate patient preferences for aspects of services other than health-related quality of life. 
  • The study found evidence of potential for improvement in the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of vascular services through further centralisation of sites where major vascular procedures are undertaken. Preferences for local services are strong, and this may be addressed through more integrated services, with a range of services being provided more locally. The use of a web-based tool for the collection of clinical data and patient-reported outcome measures is feasible and can provide outcome data for clinical use and service evaluation.