RM Partners 10 December 2018
Description of work of the RM Partnership Cancer Alliance including
- Pathway redesign projects (Colorectal pathway redesign, Low dose CT case finding in lung cancer, National Optimal Lung Cancer Pathway, RAPID: shortening the diagnostic prostate pathway, Multidisciplinary diagnostic clinic pilots).
- Digital Solutions programme - aimed at designing a digital infrastructure that improves operational effciencies, as well as enhancing patient and clinician experience. Working with the NHS Healthy London Partnership (HLP) including development of a London Health and Care Information Exchange (LHCIE) infrastructure, which will provide a platform to enable all London NHS and social care providers to access and to share patient documentation based on agreed pathways, including cancer.
- Informatics - including partnership with Public Health England to develop national tools to enable cancer registration data to be used locally by Cancer Alliances and other NHS stakeholders.
- RM Partners pathway groups share experience, best practice and innovation in the delivery of services