31 December 2018

Pancreatic cancer Quality standard

Pancreatic cancer Quality standard [QS177]
NICE December 2018
  • This quality standard covers diagnosis of pancreatic cancer and management of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma in adults aged over 18. 
  • Quality statements
    • Statement 1 Adults with suspected pancreatic cancer have their diagnosis and care agreed by a specialist pancreatic cancer multidisciplinary team (MDT).
    • Statement 2 Adults with localised pancreatic cancer on CT have staging using fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography/CT (FDG‑PET/CT) before they have surgery, radiotherapy or systemic therapy.
    • Statement 3 Adults with resectable pancreatic cancer and obstructive jaundice have resectional surgery rather than preoperative biliary drainage unless the drainage is specifically indicated.
    • Statement 4 Adults with unresectable pancreatic cancer are prescribed enteric-coated pancreatin.
    • Statement 5 (placeholder) Effective interventions to address psychological needs.