1 September 2018

Patient satisfaction with robotic surgery.

Patient satisfaction with robotic surgery. [Abstract]
J Robot Surg. 2018 Sep;12(3):493-499. doi: 10.1007/s11701-017-0772-3.
  • A service evaluation of the robotic-assisted surgery service within the Gynaecology Oncology department at Sheffield Teaching Hospitals, around pre-operative care, post procedural pain, length of stay.Almost all patients (99%) were pleased with the overall care that they received and 91% would recommend robotic-assisted surgery as a modality.

This study is a service evaluation of the robotic-assisted surgery service within the Gynaecology Oncology department at Sheffield Teaching Hospitals. The aim is not only to evaluate and improve this new service within the department, but also to add to the available literature that reviews patient satisfaction with robotic-assisted surgery. An anonymous questionnaire was developed with questions taken from the NHS User Experience Survey Question Bank and additional questions in the same format specific to robotic-assisted surgery. This was posted to the first 140 patients to have undergone robotic-assisted surgery within Gynae Oncology at STH. One hundred completed questionnaires were returned. Over 90% of patients were pleased with the care that they received pre-operatively and felt that they have enough input into the decisions made about treatment. Half of patients (51%) reported having pain post-procedure, with a quarter of these patients experiencing severe pain. The majority of patients (72%) felt that their length of stay in hospital was of the right duration. Almost all patients (99%) were pleased with the overall care that they received and 91% would recommend robotic-assisted surgery as a modality. Patients are very satisfied with the care that they receive when undergoing robotic-assisted surgery within Gynae Oncology at our center and the majority of patients would recommend robotic-assisted surgery as a modality.