31 March 2018

Scaling up single specialty networked care - lessons from Moorfields

Scaling up single specialty networked care: A strategic overview
Networked Care, March 2018 
  • In April 2017 the Moorfields vanguard team published a e-toolkit sharing findings from the research into best practice for single specialty networked care. (www.networkedcaretoolkit.org.uk
  • This report shares findings from semi-structured interviews with more than 35 strategic decision makers across the NHS (providers, commissioners and regulators), and other sectors, as well as a desktop literature review, on the benefits and challenges of scaling up networked care numerically and geographically. 
Moorfields also published two other reports:

Spreading best practice UK Ophthalmology Alliance
Networked Care, March 2018
  • Experience and advice from replicating the National Orthopaedic Alliance (NOA) membership model across ophthalmology nationally.

Staff and patients Improving networked care, 
Networked Care, March 2018
  • A description of work with the independent charity, the POCF, to understand the best methods and tools to embed staff and patient co-design of services across the Moorfields network.