West Midlands Clinical Networks and Clinical Senate, 17 March 2018
- Taking each part of the MUO/CUP patient’s pathway from GP referral through diagnosis and management and then onward referral, this guideline outlines the points that each Trust needs to adhere to, to ensure safe and equitable MUO/CUP service provision.
- The purpose of this guideline is to: -
- Provide the framework, which underpins the initial and on-going investigation and subsequent management of patients presenting as cases of MUO, aimed at improving outcomes of MUO/CUP patients across the Greater Midlands.
- Provide a guideline on the management of specific presentations of cancer of unknown primary origin, both those which may benefit from radical (potentially curative) treatment and those with a poor prognosis who may benefit from supportive and/or palliative care
- Provide guidelines, on the systemic treatment of the following treatable syndromes within the CUP spectrum:
- Poorly differentiated carcinoma with a midline distribution,
- Women with predominantly peritoneal adenocarcinoma, o Women with adenocarcinoma involving the axillary lymph nodes,
- Squamous cell carcinoma of lymph nodes in the neck,
- Poorly differentiated neuroendocrine carcinoma.
- Provide direction for the following groups:-
- Primary Care Practitioners,
- CUP MDT and CUP Service Team members,
- Cancer site-specific MDTs,
- Trust Emergency Departments
- All health professionals dealing with the investigation, management and care of MUO and CUP patients